The Meeting Place, created for Whitewater Farm on Animal Planet's Restoration Wild, Episode 1, First Air Date 2015
Vicki Hanson-Burkhart
Seeing the bigger picture and then creating to the minutest detail is in my DNA. I studied interior design before moving to England with my family where I learned mosaic art and continued to study under masters of mosaic from England and the US. I remained almost exclusive to fine art mosaic for 20 years. Dabbling in furniture design for my own needs, space planning and most recently the design for the conversion of a barn into a country home-estate with my husband @whitewaterfarm, my love of design extends to architecture, furniture, fine art, decorative art, surface pattern design and graphic art.
I worked as a partner in a SouthEnd Charlotte mosaic art gallery and left my mosaic mark on a collaborative exterior installation on the site. Later, I had my own gallery in Pineville,NC and invited in visiting artists for exhibits and teaching. Then as our country home was completed the time for the brick and mortar came to a close and I began a deep dive into digital art and work that I could do wherever I go. (Mosaic is not very portable!)
I was drawn to learn Adobe Illustrator, seeing it as a tool for designing complimentary patterns for my mosaic projects. What I discovered in the process was an unearthing of my love of lettering and calligraphy and pattern...
I've been a student of marketing for years and intrigued by the structure of story, Donald Miller's StoryBrand marketing model is the perfect marriage of the two. I jumped right in. Add simple websites built on an easily maintained platform such as Squarespace and fine art narrative branding...perfection!